In The Pink Flower Bouquet


Soft and feminine, this is the bouquet for people who just love pretty girly flowers. We use gerberas, lilies and other fresh seasonal flowers in shades of soft pink with hints of white. This bouquet is carefully presented in the pink, soft textured wrap and finished with delicate chiffon ribbon.

Please Note: Due to seasonal availability your flowers may differ slightly from that pictured.

Sizes that are shown in imagery:

  • White Background - Medium Size
  • Lifestyle image - Small Size

    Our Risk Free Guarantee Yo You

    FRESHNESS: We shop at the market daily to ensure you get the freshest quality flowers.

    MADE BY PROFESSIONAL FLORISTS: Every gift is carefully packaged, then sent off in a refrigerated courier van to your recipient.

    MADE WITH LOVE: Is that your gift is made with fresh products and securely wrapped for delivery.

    HANDLE WITH CARE: Handled by professional drivers only and delivered as quickly as possible to the recipient.

    You & your recipient will be absolutely delighted with your market fresh flowers & gifts

    We can deliver your order anywhere in New Zealand.

    We are members of Interflora. This means our Christchurch based florist can deliver your order anywhere in New Zealand.

    Same day dispatch & speedy delivery to your receipient

    We dispatch orders 3 times a day in Christchurch *on Weekdays.

    We close at 12 Noon on a Saturday and all of Sunday so can not deliver these orders on the same day during the weekend.

    Delivery to all of Christchurch including the surrounding suburbs

    Outer Christchurch: Including Rolleston, Leeston, Tai Tapu, Governors Bay, Springston, Kaiapoi, Rangiora, South Bridge,Prebbleton, Burnham, Lincoln, Ohoka, West Melton, Woodend, Spencerville, Templeton, Pegasus Town.

    Rural Christchurch & Canterbury:

    Rural Christchurch & Canterbury: Akaroa, Amberley, Cheviot, Culverdon, Darfeild, Diamond Harbour (Tuesday and Thursday only), Dunsandel, Glentunnel, Hamner Springs, Harwarden, Hinds, Hororata, Kaikoura, Leithfeild, Methven, Oxford, Rakaia, Sefton, Southbridge, Waikuku.

    We accept orders from around the world

    We accept international orders and deliver your flowers, wine, homewares and gift baskets on time for any gift giving event.